Vincent Zaballa


Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. candidate at UC Irvine in the Hui Lab. Applying bioengineering and machine learning to study the combinatorial complexity of biology.

View the Project on GitHub vz415/bio_ml_blog

Welcome to my online CV. Links to relevant literature related to my history can be found here. As well, this will eventually become a place to blog about bioengineering, machine learning, and how to write stellar SBIR grants, with an emphasis on the former two. Seeking academic and industry opportunities in computational biology, machine learning research, statistics, and the intersection of the three. Follow me on twitter!


Ph.D. Candidate in Biomedical Engineering University of California, Irvine (2019-)

M.Res. in Bioengineering Imperial College London (2015-2016)

B.S./M.Eng. in Biomedical Engineering, minor in Electrical Engineering Texas A&M University (2010-2015)



V. D. Zaballa, E. E. Hui, “Reducing Uncertainty Through Mutual Information in Structural and Systems Biology.” ICML 2024 Machine Learning for Life and Material Science, July 2024 (In Review)


V. D. Zaballa, E. E. Hui, “Approximation of Intractable Likelihood Functions in Systems Biology via Normalizing Flows.” NeurIPS 2023 Generative AI and Biology Workshop, December 2023 Paper

V. D. Zaballa, E. E. Hui, “Stochastic Gradient Bayesian Optimal Experimental Designs for Simulation-based Inference.” ICML 2023 Differentiable Everything Workshop, July 2023 Paper


V. D. Zaballa, E. E. Hui, “An Optimal Likelihood Free Method for Biological Model Selection.” ICML 2022 Workshop on Computational Biology, July 2022 paper


V. D. Zaballa, E. E. Hui, “Optimal Design of Experiments for Simulation-Based Inference of Mechanistic Acyclic Biological Networks.” NeurIPs Workshop on Learning Meaningful Representations of Life, Dec. 2021 paper video


V. Zaballa, D. Friedrichs, “A Novel Tissue Welding Device using Low-Voltage Far-Field Coaxial Electrospinning.” ASME Design of Medical Devices Conference Journal, Jan. 2015 paper

Invited Talks & Presentations

“Optimal Design of Experiments for Simulation-Based Inference of Mechanistic Acyclic Biological Networks.” Lightning Talk at SoCalSysBio 2022 on April 2, 2022, Los Angeles, CA.

Industry Experience

Fannin Innovation Studio Houston, Texas, Entrepreneur Fellow, June 2018 – Aug. 2019

Drip, LLC. Colorado Springs, Colorado, Data Scientist, April 2017 – October 2017

Cambiando Paradigmas La Paz, Bolivia, Data Analyst, Jan. 2017 – June 2018

Imperial College London London, United Kingdom, Research Assistant & Whitaker Fellow, Oct. 2015 – Oct. 2016

Teaching & Professional Service

Contributor, Probabilistic Machine Learning: Advanced Topics by Kevin Murphy Contributed normalizing flow JAX examples in Google Colab. Figure Notebook1 Notebook2

University of California, Irvine June 2022, TA, Cancer Systems Biology Short Course: Helped students run end-to-end python gene expression processing notebooks in Google Colab.

Reviewer, AISTATS 2022

Imperial College London Oct. 2015 – Dec. 2015, TA, Maths 2: Multivariable calculus and differential equations.

Awards & Fellowships